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Ali Cornish

AxSpA Health Leader Ali Cornish headshot.Ali was previously a health leader on

Ali Cornish is a freelance writer and founder of Everthrive who lives in northern Colorado with her husband and two young sons. She was diagnosed with AS in 2016 but has been living with its symptoms since 2011.

Since her diagnosis, she has shared her story through Everthrive, a website dedicated to simple and essential living. Her work has also been featured in a number of publications including Minimalism Life, Break the Twitch, Want Less, Simplicity Voices, The Imperfect Millennial’s Podcast, No More Corners, and Janet Luhr’s Simple Living. Ali is inspired by nature, mindful living, and living a low-tech lifestyle. She weaves this ethos into her minimalist way of life, all of which have assisted in managing her AS symptoms.

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Ali has lived mostly pain-free since adopting a minimalist lifestyle as well as an anti-inflammatory, plant-based diet. An advocate for naturopathic healing, she has also found relief from debilitating pain by drastically reducing stress in her life and work.

Ali completed her undergraduate studies at the University of San Diego and holds Master’s degrees in writing and education from Roehampton University and Boston College.

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