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My 10-year Anniversary with AS – 10 Insights Gained (Part 2)

This is part 2 of the series. Please refer to part 1 for insights one through five about my 10-year journey with AS.

Diet and lifestyle are key

Two areas I can control. Whatever treatment protocol I am on, nourishing my body and mind the right way will support the management of symptoms and flares. Nutrient-dense, whole foods, daily movement, exercise adapted to my needs, mindfulness, stress management, play, and are connected. I started with small, daily healthy habits.

Your body knows best

When I am stressed, overwhelmed, and out of balance, my body will send signals. A flare with increased symptoms, changes in mood, tiredness, sleeplessness, and more. I take a step back to connect with my feelings and needs. What can I do to support my body through all this? It often means that small changes need to be made in order to find balance again.

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Find your balance

The meaning of this sentence is different for everyone. Balance touches on all areas of life. A state of flow, allowing one to be at ease, peaceful, and more resilient when facing challenges. For me, it meant changing careers to follow my passion, learning to incorporate more downtime in my days to recover and rest, working at my own pace to be more in control of my stress and schedule, and embracing diet and lifestyle changes as part of my identity.

Every story is different

Learn to experiment with what works for you. What has worked for me might not work for you, and vice versa. This is the beauty of life; we each have our own path to follow. Educate yourself, focus on your vision, your goals, and the best approach for you. Seek guidance when needed, and then trust your actions and decisions.

Health is a lifelong journey

Nobody ever regrets investing in their wellness! Be curious, be patient, be open, be positive, your journey will offer you a lot of insights and learnings. You will learn to listen to your body and mind and work on experiments that support your well-being in the long-term. Start with building a healthy foundation. One step at a time. Enjoy the process!

Looking back, I am grateful for this wild journey, I have learned a lot, been faced with many challenges that have made me a stronger and healthier person, and I have found my purpose in helping others.

I invite you to reflect on your journey of learning and to welcome new opportunities.

Onward we go.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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