Finding Balance in Managing My ASWhen it comes to life lessons, it would seem I prefer to learn them the hard way! This was certainly the case when I decided to try lifestyle strategies to...Bookmark for later
Managing Seasonal Joint Pain for a More Fulfilling LifeThere was a time when the changing seasons used to bring me joy, but now it seems to give me joint pain mostly. I used to think it was "all...Bookmark for later
Awake in the Dark: Navigating Nighttime Pain With Axial SpondyloarthritisBroken sleep and nighttime pain are challenging aspects of living with AS. Over time I’ve developed some strategies that help me manage when these symptoms crop up. It’s usually the...Bookmark for later
The Truths of a Chronically Ill IndividualI have dreams, though they may sound simple. I have dreams of laying in a vibrant field of grass with the warmth of the sun beaming onto my face. I...Bookmark for later
My Experience With Taking Biologics for ASI’ve been on biologics now for two and a half years. Before biologics, I was desperate for relief from the pain my AS was causing. I was taking the maximum...Bookmark for later