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Feelings Of a Locked Back

I look back and value the days of my youth when I took my healthy back for granted. I was told by a referring specialist I had spondylitis of the back. Since being told this, it has really impacted my life. I find it difficult to walk up more than seven steps at a time. Lifting things, even groceries, can be a challenge.

Dealing with the pain

I am grateful for pain medication because, without it, my days would be hard. I use pain patches, creams, and injections to ease the pain. I love writing and being on my computer. However, after sitting in one spot for an extended period of time, my back actually locks up. This is when it is difficult for me to move my back. Eventually, it will loosen up and unlock itself. There are so many things that I used to do, but I am unable to do now because of spondylitis.

Enjoying a good day

I appreciate a pain-free day due to the fact they are far and in between. I enjoy walking, and I walk on good days. I love the good days because I wear a back brace which is very uncomfortable but it helps my back. I love driving on a good day. There have been times when my back locked up while I was out and about. I will go somewhere and sit down until the excruciating pain subsides. I realize now that it is wonderful to live pain-free and enjoy things in life without the disease.

Taking one day at a time

I have learned to take each day with a grain of salt. I count my blessings and do what I can. I keep my doctor's appointments, take my medications, and try to stay happy. I meditate and have my quiet moments. This has helped me in dealing with this disease. This would be my feeling of a locked back when it stops you in your tracks from your daily activities.

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