AS Flare Relief with MMJ
I'm 42 years old. I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis at age 31. It had already changed my life because I was already in chronic pain every day. I still am.
When I have a flare, I can't do anything. I stay in bed covered up hoping it goes away. There is burning in my back and legs and so much pain I can hardly stand to even touch myself. It is so painful.
Medical marijuana helps relieve my pain
Sometimes I don't wanna get out of bed. Sometimes even the cover touching me hurts so bad. I have tried meds and shots and creams and nothing works. At that point, I just lay in bed and cry like a big baby. There nothing else I can do at that point except cry and wish it would all go away.
For real, I wouldn't wish it on anybody. The only thing I found to take the edge off is smoking medical marijuana, but I don't always have money for it. But it does help a lot.
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