From Super Mom to AS Warrior
It's bad enough that I have fibromyalgia, Lupus and Hashimoto's disease.
Then after tons of Xrays and MRIs, I'm told I have Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Fusings is what is causing most of the pain. There has to be a brighter side to having all of this, right?
From super mom to AS warrior
I'm told to exercise so I don't get stiff, but when my Lupus or fibro flares, I don't want to move.
Before all of this, I used to be that super mom, I did everything for everyone except for myself.
Now, I can't even get up to use the bathroom without my walker at times.
I don't know my limits and always overdue it. Then I'm bedridden for days.
Learning my limits
I feel like a failure at times. I can't get anything done around the house unless I stop to take breaks, and even then, I'm done for the day.
I feel like AS has taken my life away from me. Now I'm fighting to get it back.
Even just one-fourth of it.
AS will not define me, I'm a warrior, and I will live my best life!
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