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Describing The Worst Days With Chronic Pain

In September of 2019, Health Union (the parent company of partnered with the US Pain Foundation for our first ever Chronic Pain in America survey to ask members of our communities about their experiences with chronic pain. 4,725 people living with chronic pain completed the survey to share how pain impacts their life and their experiences with pain management and treatment.

One thing that respondents described was how they feel on a day when they are experiencing their worst pain. The responses are shared in this video.

What does the worst day with chronic pain feel like?


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Describing the painful days

Some other responses from the survey include:

"Very depressed!! On my worse days, I usually stay away from everyone and I am not very active."

"In agony. Can't move, can't eat, can't sleep. Constant severe pain. 8 out of 10 in severity."

"In my worst flares I can’t get comfortable, the pain is excruciating, and nothing works to make it."

"My worst day I'm in bed. I have leg pain, lumbar pain with movement and I can't walk well either. My head is too heavy to support wich also sends screaming pain in cervical and thoracic and right on down to my shoulder and arms."

"I feel like I could die I’m in so much pain. The stomach pain becomes almost too much to bear. After a flare-up, I feel 100 percent drained."

"Usually I’ll be in bed, barely wanting to get up to use the bathroom. I live alone, so it’s difficult to get up and eat something or take care of any basic everyday necessities."

We want to thank our community members again for being so open and honest about living with chronic pain. To those who are feeling this pain, you are not alone.

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