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Friday Frustrations

It's the end of the work week! Feel free to let out your frustrations from the week to help make the weekend a little lighter.

*Please remain respectful and supportive of others in the thread*

  1. It's been a long time since I don't work a entire week because of my flares. I was taking just dypirone and tramadol, but wasn't enough, so my doctor gave me oxycontin, so the pain is less intense, so a worked 5 days this week. I work sitted all day. Now I'm with a massive flare, so much pain and so much fadigue, thinking about how cruel is to take strong medications just to be able to work and lost all my weekend in a flare.
    Btw, I'm in humira, that's not working anymore, and switching to cosentyx soon.

    1. no, it's the third 😅

    2. I hope it goes well for you. I am on my 4th right now Cosentyx and been my longest biologic. Hope you have a great weekend!

      Nicky (Team Member)

  2. I've been told I'm too negative and that makes everything worse. And that I shouldn't subject people to my illness and pain because it's not their fault.. Yes, I know stress and anxiety makes inflammation and pain worse, but I didn't choose to be this way. It's not my fault either. My only hope is that people would think for a second before they say things like that. Especially when they have no idea what it's like to live with constant pain.

    1. Hi @Enniehelen

      I agree. It's not your fault getting diagnosed with this disease. I know others around us can sometimes make it harder to understand, since they are not going through it to feel the reality of it. This disease especially having more than one, can be the hardest on us. Constant pain and fatigue alone can be enough to be debilitating.

      You are not alone.

      Sending you warm hugs,

      Nicky (Team Member)

  3. Being asked how you’re keeping. Telling people how you feel & being told ‘oh I’m not sure what to say to that’ then climbing back into your ‘yeah I’m okay okay’ auto response because it’s so much easier

    1. Hi Courts24

      I feel this so much. Having to say "I'm okay" just not to hear everything else from others. I find that has been much easier, than having to always re explain. I think you are so not alone on this. How are you feeling today?

      Nicky (Team Member)

  4. It’s so sad we’re made to feel like this. Know you are heard by people who can empathise with how you are feeling!

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