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Finally Got 2 Weeks of Heaven

These past 2 weeks felt like heaven. For anyone suffering from a chronic illness, it's a wish come true to be able to get good days. I was one of them, to finally get 2 weeks of those good days. Where I felt like my old self again. I just wish it would have been for longer.

I was able to do so much more, than my usual

I was able to do things without much struggle. I did make sure to get rest and listen to my body, those days. Something that I will not stop doing, since diagnosis. Having AxSpa has shown me that those are needed to keep going with my condition.

Those 2 weeks, I was able to work a little more, which felt such an accomplishment to be so productive. I was able to be there for my kids. I was able to help them with their homework. I was able to cook and make a nice meal. I was able to go out for a nice breakfast with my family. Which the last time, was almost 3 years that we’ve been able to go for breakfast, all together. The joy in their faces made my heart feel complete. It felt really good to be out and have a little more control of my body and how I was feeling. It felt good not to worry much, as usual.

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I was able to take my daughter for some quick girl shopping and spend some time together. I was able to get groceries done for the week and even do some meal prep. We even had time to bake some Greek cookies called Koulourakia. I did get help for this from my kids and husband. I did struggle a bit with mixing the dough and standing long, but glad I had them there for the help. This was the first week that passed.

The second week

The second week came. It did feel a little harder for me. I won’t lie I started feeling the fatigue creeping up and pain increasing a level up. Mornings got harder wake up and get up. But I kept pushing through, as I got this rush of wanting to do more. To be honest I was disregarding what I was feeling, as I had in my mind to keep enjoying what I wanted to do and stop thinking of what will happen. I just wanted for once to not think about this disease. I wanted to just do what made me feel good and happy.

The second week was our Easter. Saturday we went to church with the family. It was hard to do. It consisted of standing long periods and I just started to not feel well. But I kept pushing through. I really wanted be there with my family and enjoy.


The following day, we celebrated Easter at my parents house. We celebrated and enjoyed with lots of food, but most of all just being able to be there with everyone felt so good. It felt good to be out of the house and socialize with people. I don't remember the last time I got to do all this. I don’t do this often, because it consists of a lot of energy for me.

I was happy I got to do all this. It gave me a feeling of how it feels to be normal. It’s a feeling I wish I can keep longer. Don’t get me wrong, the pain was there. As it’s always there. But it was manageable and at a low level for the first time in a long time.

As the days passed, I have started not to feel well again

From one day to the next, I have been struggling to do my things. In the morning, struggling to get up. Working has been hard, since I been haunted with brain fog. Pains have been keeping me up at nights with high levels I want to scream. All to say I am in a flare now. I knew this was going to bring on a possible flare. I pushed my body to its limits, which it is not meant to do.

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