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Achilles Tendon Insertion: How Important?

Did your Achilles tendon/plantar fascia insertions come into consideration in getting a diagnosis? Did you have recurrent Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis (not from sports) and go on to develop bone spurs? What about your rotator cuff(s)? How many years passed with these conditions before your diagnosis? Did your foot/shoulder problems show on X-rays prior to diagnosis?

If you had acute anterior uveitis, how many times/years did it recur before you were diagnosed? Did it go along with other issues like scleritis and episcleritis?

Was any one symptom the key to getting your diagnosis?


  1. As we wait for others to share their experiences, I thought I'd share this article that you may find interesting:

    Here's hoping you find some answers (and relief) soon, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. These are great questions, . I hope many jump on and offer up experiences that align with your inquiries. The last question - "Was any one symptom the key to getting your diagnosis?" I have to say yes. The main symptom was my TMJ - it was so severe and the right and left joints inflamed at the time - my physician was astonished no one else helped me prior. I was exhausted, hurt everywhere, and had no answers until I saw this rheumatologist. Evaluation led to the diagnosis of ankyspond and assessment of other systemic involvements such as uveitis, gastro issues, and enthesitis. I hope this helps. Wishing you better days ahead. Respectfully, Rebecca (team member)

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