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Always Getting Similar Sicknesses?

For those of us on immunosuppressants, getting ill and staying ill for a longer amount of time is unfortunately sometimes a regular occurrence.

But I was wondering if anybody here has noticed themselves getting the same kind of sicknesses happening over and over again.

I personally have realised that I am always getting infections around the throat area. Whether it be my glands or tonsils, nearly every time I am ill it is something in this region!

Which is strange because before I started my medication I had never had anything of the sort ever before and now my body can't get enough of putting me through these things!

Have you noticed any repeat sicknesses / illnesses / infections creeping up on you since you have been diagnosed?

  1. Hi James - Our immune systems may be knocked down by treatment (biologics) for AS as they weaken our immune systems. I was using Simponi aria and had continuous sinus infections. I know that I was told biologics raise the risk of infection in the body, and in fact, affected me pretty badly after hand surgery in early Jan 2022. The incision became infected almost immediately following surgery, and I had to have the bone graft removed. I am seeing an immuno-allergist who is helping allergies, asthma, as well as sinus, throat, and chest infections at bay. He had me get a pneumonia vaccine, and it really has helped. He has also prescribed an inhaler to help with the deep chest congestion I've dealt with since catching Covid-19 in Nov 2021. I've had 2 sinus surgeries that helped minimally. I usually suffer from severe sinus infections, catch strep at least twice a year prior to this, and have asthma/URIs - all of which truly affect my health negatively. I've had fewer infections over the past few years while being treated - for which I am so grateful. I hope that you are able to keep these infections away and that they are too troublesome. Maybe a different treatment plan may be necessary. Wishing you the best, Rebecca ( moderator)

    1. Hi ,

      Yeah I think it is most definitely stemming from my weakened immune system that my medication causes. It is just very odd that it always seems to be happening in my throat area! Although my body did mix things up and give me an infection in my nose and finger a couple weeks ago - a very attractive combination that made me look like a prime nose picker!

      Sorry to hear that you had been dealing with these sinus issues for such a long time but that is great that you are starting to see some progress on that front with these things! I had a pneumonia vaccine a couple of years ago, is this something I need to be topping up do you think?

      I think for the moment I will be sticking to the same treatment plan as I think all in all the regular infections are kind of worth it for the improvement in my pain and mobility that they have given me. But it might be worth bringing up at my next check up if there is anything else I could do to keep the infections at bay a little more!

      Thank you for the advice and kind words as always!

      Hope that you are keeping well,
      James (Community Member)

  2. Hi James,
    Yes that is a good question! Indeed, I have noticed more infection around the throat as a kid, I had tonsillitis all the time, but now it's different. It's more around the pharynx, I cough and I lose my voice, which never happened to me before. I have had these kind of infections two or three winters in a row, and it was hard and long to heal. It did not happen in the past three years, which might be due to precautions I took with covid, catching less infections, etc. well, food for thought there.
    How are your infections sound like then?
    Take care 😀

    1. Hey ,

      Thanks for your reply!

      That is super interesting (albeit unfortunate) that you have experienced this as well! I wonder if it is the meds or the condition that makes our tonsil / throat area especially vulnerable to these things?

      Glad to hear that you got a nice few years break from them during COVID! I wish my body was the same but unfortunately despite hiding from the world my tonsils found ways to infect themselves haha.

      My infections usually involve my glands swelling up and it is pretty hard and painful to open my mouth or eat and my already high fatigue levels hit a new level!

      I hope yours still stay at bay and fingers crossed I can stay away from them too for a bit haha.

      Best wishes,
      James (Community Member)

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