I have a eye of the tiger sign in my brain and was referred to a neurologist and one that I saw 10 years ago and he said that the results were incidental and said that it was a fluke and that the results don't matter he also was using my symptoms from 10 years ago and that my symptoms don't match any of the disease that it would be and I was like oh ok so I guess this isn't the answer to everything going on and then I looked up incidental MRI results and that's not what incidental means it means that they found something unrelated to the reason you were having the MRI so I told my endocrinologist because she was the one who ordered the MRI and she said you need a second opinion I had to wait 6 months for my initial appointment with the neurologist and now I can't get into the new Dr until October I'm so fortunate to have good Drs surrounding me it's been a a long journey and 4 years of looking for a cause for my distressing symptoms but I think we finally got a answer