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Anyone Use an Inversion Table?

I have an inversion table. Anyone use one with success? My doc told me after I got it that she didn’t think it was a good idea. Same with the PT. My friend who is a chiropractor said she tells her patients if it works than do it.

  1. I’ve literally never even thought about this, but I’m going to look into this now. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. I have done nverdion for over 30 years with positive results using PT exercises while upside down. I can’t use it during a bad flare. It’s not magic though.

      1. My inversion table is very helpful to my back. However, I can only use it at 30% incline. More than that really hurts my jaw. So, I use it at 30% about every other day and find it helpful. Hope this helps you. (my PT encouraged me to buy it!)

        1. I have a Tetter! I did see online comments Inversion is risky. The 1st cigarette you smoked is riskier. Yah and eat more Red meat. Met a man 76 years old with RA bought a tetter became a Vegan now puts us all to shame! He is pretty tall considering what he has been through!

          I bought the Inversion table! Been three years now. Go slow even if it take months....I would think a Chiropractor would be 1000% scarier!

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