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Back pain

Hi everyone!
I am glad to have found this website and not feel so alone in dealing with AS.

I started having insidious lower back pain at the age of 25. It wasn’t 4 years later that I finally got tested for AS. It turns out I am positive for HLAB27. I used to have lower back pain every morning but over the years, my pain has traveled up and been more persistent in my mid spine. I

  1. I am so sorry to hear of your difficulties. I will get on my mountain bike and just ease into pedaling slowly around the neighborhood. Along with multiple fusions, and a neck pushed way forward, I can't even quite stand up straight anymore at age 60. I also have enthesitis in both elbows, left knee, and left achilles that the bike ride is so easy on! While walking is quite difficult, biking is fantastic! Slow, long rides, really helps me move so much better!

    Then while I'm super warm, I will do some easy core exercises. Over time, you can build up to doing more of both! All the best!

    1. For some reason, my post cut half way. This is a continuation of the post

      I can hardly bend forward without significant pain. I often flex my chest forward and hear multiple popping sensation in my spine. It’s tender to touch 24/7. Is anyone out there experiencing similar symptoms?

      1. I think this fairly describes a large portion of our community. As I tended to stoop forward my back got far more painful and it made a great deal of noise. I know how difficult it is to have that happen. I have always enjoyed placing ice on the most tender spots. How do you deal with the pain?

        rick - moderator

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