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Feedback Appreciated

Hi everyone. I'm here to reach out on behalf of my 32 year old son who suffers with chronic AS. He was diagnosed back in 2016 as this being the most likely cause of all his symptoms: Severe lower back, hips, neck and chest. Occasionally this extends to his face and jaw. He has tried all recomended all recommended NSAIDs which appears to have brought about stomach bleeds. Anti-TNF medicine was prescribed
Unfortunately, he was never shown how to self administer despite several requests put to his GP service. As a result he lost faith and confidence along with the prospect of unknown long term side affects. Recently he suffered an extreme flair up which was distressing to whitness. I have reached breaking point and see no light at the end of the tunnel. He was given a series of acupuncture treatments via the NHS which did give him notable relief but this is limited to 6 session per year. Is there anyone here who shares a similar experience that can provide me with any feedaback on any of the areas i have mentioned please. Many thanks. Kazy

  1. Hi ,
    Thanks for reaching out. I understand your concern for your son and I'm saddened to hear how difficult it has been for him.
    As we wait for others to chime in with their personal experiences, my first thought would be had he considered a rheumatologist? Many in this community have found a rheumatologist helpful in diagnosing and treating their AS.
    It's great to hear that acupuncture has provided a bit of relief for him. In addition, I thought I'd share these two articles that may offer some helpful information on treatment options: and
    Please send your son all our best and know that this community is here for you both.
    Warmly, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. Hello Doreen thank you kindly for the warm welcome and information/likns. Yes he has seen a couple of rheumatologists who prescribed the Anti-TNF. It would be intresting to hear from those in the community who have tried this option or who may have experience of other treatments. Thanks again. Kazy.

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