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Feeling down

I feel so down and have been feeling this way for days depression is bad for me when I feel like this it’s like there’s no end I just wish this nightmare would end I’m so tired of being sick all the time

  1. Hi , I’m sorry to hear you’ve been feeling like this. I can relate a lot to what you’ve said. At times this condition can be so all consuming and terrible. It’s been a couple of weeks since you posted this, how have you been doing lately?

    1. Hi @Bettyboop1025, it sounds like you’re dealing with really overwhelming emotions right now. Reaching out isn’t always easy. I’m glad you feel comfortable sharing your feelings here. We’re not professional counselors, so I’m going to private message you some resources that I hope you’ll consider reaching out to. -Jessica, Team Member

      1. I hear and see you. This disease is so hard to deal with and can really wear on the body and mind. We are here for you. Do you have support or someone to talk to about how you are feeling so down bc of your health? When was the last time you visited your treating physician - can you bring up your low mood and depressed state and really get them to understand the spondy is really affecting you right now.

        Also I wanted to offer ways to help during days you are really hurting and there seems to be no relief in sight. Here's just a reminder - have you thought about therapeutic treatments - a HOT Sitz bath, cool compresses, massage therapy/tools, or meditation/yoga? I ask because it can help lift the mind a little to help you through this dark period, by doing things for yourself and leaving the guilt behind from feeling like you can't accomplish anything. What's in your "toolbox" to give you relief from the mental anguish or the physical pain you find yourself in? Here's an article to help -

        For your safety, (just in case) I want to leave this for you as well. If you or someone you know is in crisis or considering suicide, please contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Call or text 9-8-8 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or use the Lifeline online chat

        I understand the dark spot you find yourself in right now. I hope you have the opportunity to lift yourself up, and it eases, where light can shine in. As always, if you want to talk leave a message below or contact one of our advocates 24/7. You are not alone. Rebecca (comm advc)

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