I am currently experiencing a pretty bad flareup. However, I have a positive attitude. I have a rheumatologist who is helping me with medication and sending me for Physical Therapy. I know I must take a pro-active approach to get the flareup under control. I am exercising, eating healthier and utilizing stress management techniques (mainly prayer) to cope. Unfortunately, like most people I have a lot of stress in my life at home and at work. I don't have all the answers. I need advice and support. My present diagnosis is Spondyloarthropathy. Going back to my late teens, I have been battling this. The inflammation did not show up in my bloodwork until 2022. Many times throughout my life when I would experience a flareup, I would adapt and get treatment. For example, instead of jogging, I took up swimming or water jogging. I would go for massages, acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, botox treatment and therapy. I am prepared to do what is necessary to improve my situation. Please offer suggestions.