I went to a Neurologist on Thursday 10/14/2023 to have the EMG Test .It’s the painful Electricity’s Test to find what nerves are damaged. At the end he came back in and told him my wrist hurts badly. “ I didn’t shock your wrist” .well you did my thumbs and area between thumb and index finger.” He quickly got off topic and told me I had pinched nerves in both elbows and have Carpal Tunnel in both arms. “ I can do the surgery as an outpatient in 30 minutes.”
I’m 75 years old and not having any Surgery so mark me off your card!
I’m guessing that you didn’t know I have AS, NEUROPATHY, CHRONIC PAIN,30 YR LOWER BACK PAIN,OSTEOARTHRITIS . He didn’t say anything and left. I took the time to fill out my medical history and he never read it !, I left called UBER because I couldn’t drive and scared I would hit something . Now within 2 hours I had the most Severe pain that I’ve ever had, every joint in my body was inflamed , my hips are really inflamed and lower backand pain pill won’t stop it .The bottom of my toes and fingers tips are burning from all the electricity shooting out my toes and fingers, my ankles and feet hurt so bad can’t walk very far . I see why you give the lower EMG Test first because if you did this painful test First I would never show up again and I’m certain that I’m right.
An email was sent to Dr. and of course he didn’t reply on Thursday or Friday. On Friday at 11:30 I placed a call to his office and said wanted to speak with him. “He’s with a patient then leaving for weekend”. You better tell him that he really hurt me so I have to speak with him. Apparently she realized I was angry and in 15 min his answering service calls me then puts him on the phone. He asked what’s wrong and told him I’ve never hurt this bad and that’s saying a lot. Every joint in my body is inflamed and I need some help. Why don’t you come over to my office on Monday and I will check it. Really ? I know what pain is probably only thing that might help are some Steroids. “ I’m a Neurologist and don’t write an RX for steroids, what if I did and it came back on me” really.
Then he started dancing go to the ER or Doc N Box Clinic, so I can waste $150.00 deductible so that’s not an option after giving you $336.00 dollars. “You need to call your pain management Doctor and have him write you an RX “- I told him that my pain pill won’t touch this pain. Why would I want to call him make an appointment and pay another deductible fee and you are the one that shocked the living daylights out of me NOT my Pain Management Dr. You just don’t get it and you are the only Doctor that I have ever seen in my 75 years on this earth that is a narcissist as you are . I see that you are more concerned about yourself than the patient. “ I’m not like that” oh yes you are !
I want to interject a thought about this phone call. “ Well what would that be ? I won’t be in your office on Monday - I could tell by the silence he didn’t believe me. My thought is that this conversation is over- Click. Lol felt good didn’t help pain.
I would sue him for his office charges and my deductible that they overcharged me by 10% according to my Insurance Company .You have to sign a hold harmless agreement in case he hurts or kills you.
Has anyone experienced anything close to this ? I would love to hear from you about your experiences.
Thanks! Ron