Hello and everyone here,
Such an important topic to discuss! And we have lot of awareness to raise in May about AxSpa and Mental health 😉
My diagnosis shook me a great deal few years ago and it took me some time to realize that I needed to address my mental health on top of my physical health. Once I got my physical symptoms under control, I was still struggling, fatigued and with low mood. I then decided to look into ways to get better mentally and emotionally. I knew part of my answers about how to live better with Axspa was in the management of my mental health. Like others, when things are tough, experiencing flares and other things triggering symptoms, if I let it set and do nothing, I feel my level of stress going up and my mood going down quite quickly. So I have learned over the years to be ready for the potential flare or set back, and in my toolbox not only some medications and alternatives are there but also ways to lift my mood, feed my soul, and relax my mind. I like meditation, sound healing, listening to music and move gently to it, walking in nature, spending time with animals. I also do artistic activities which I think help me to process things and express struggles, as well as being equipped to make something out of the difficulty of living with AxSpa sometimes, so writing, singing, crafting, playing music, all these can be done at home and nourish me so I feel a sense of fulfilment and pleasure even if I have to stay put for a while. These ways to look after my mental state, my emotional state, and feed my spirit became part of my self care routine. In a way, I am glad I had to search for these and discover the benefit I could get by doing those things. My life is richer now and I am more resourceful.