Thanks Lisa for responding. Ugh, the ringing in my right ear is driving me nuts. It is scary. I'm not that old and having one ear worse than the other is a sign something else is driving the loss other than old age. So maybe it has to do with bones in the ear. My brain MRI was clear so nothing in my head, sinuses, or ears causing a problem. I too read an article about the probability of those who have AS and hearing loss. I discovered medications taken for inflammatory arthritis can cause hearing loss—a no-win situation. A few years back I had shingles (when I started my DMARD) and was told it could have been the culprit affecting nerve loss in my ears as I had the horrible rash on the left side of my face, around my ears, and back of my head and neck. It could be any one of these ... who's to know. I am getting used to the hearing aids. They are almost invisible to the eye - but everything now is quite loud and alarming at times. The dogs at the front door barking and the vacuum are the most alarming. The plus side is the hearing aids almost diminish the ringing. So I can focus a bit better. I hope others chime in. Many don't associate hearing loss with spondyloarthritis and I believe there is a connection. Wishing you the best as the New Year progresses. Rebecca (team member)