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Help getting a diagnosis

The more I read about this disease the more I’m convinced that I have it. How do I go about talking to my doctor about it without sounding like I’m trying to self-diagnose??

  1. Hi,
    How are you doing? Have you managed to speak to your doctor about your symptoms.
    We are here if you need further support.
    Take care,

    1. Sorry to hear, , that you feel you may have inflammatory arthritis. When you talk to your doctor (rheumy or PCP?) bring up symptoms and how long its been going on, and ask about spondyloarthritis (inflammatory arthritis). Arm yourself with knowledge about the disease by reading articles on our site. Up in the left corner, you see the 3 lines, Menu bar - they are located here. I wish you the best of wellness and we stand behind 100% supporting you as you go through the journey. You are not alone. Rebecca (comm advc)

      1. thank you!!!

      2. @jrankin76 How are you feeling today? Wishing you a great weekend.

        Nicky (Team Member)

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