Hello Dsmooth12 - I deeply regret to hear that you're going through such a tough time. Please understand that we can't provide medical advice as we are not physicians. However, what we can share with you is empathy, our personal experiences with this condition, and insights into navigating challenges when they arise.
I surely can relate to your struggle in getting a diagnosis and dealing with pain from spondyloarthritis. For a long time, I went through the cycle of bloodwork within normal limits, not showing inflammation, and being told I was fine. It can be incredibly frustrating when your symptoms are not clearly reflected in the test results. It was only when I was in a severe prolonged flare that inflammation was evident and levels out of whack.
It's important to remember that your pain is real, and your experiences are valid. Having open communication with your physician about the impact of your pain on your daily life may help in finding a solution or further investigations. Maybe consider seeking a second opinion or consulting with a specialist with expertise in spondyloarthritis. Having a supportive healthcare team that listens to your concerns and works with you to find the best possible solutions for managing your condition is vital.
As for the HLA-B27 gene ... "It is important to understand that many people who are HLA-B27 positive will never develop axSpA or AS. Also, many who are HLA-B27 negative are diagnosed with axSpA or AS." Here is a link to an article that may help.
I wish you the opportunity to explore our website, educate yourself, and connect with someone genuinely supportive as you seek the answers you're looking for.
Thoughtfully, Rebecca (community moderator)