- I am terribly sorry to hear that your shoulder is really hurting badly. Has your pain eased any since posting 3 days ago? I see you are fairly new to our site - I want to welcome you.
I had shoulder pain a few times, just recently a few months back, and it can be irritating and painful. I used a heating pain alternating with an ice pack to help ease the pain. I sure hope others offer up their experiences with shoulder pain.
Have you contacted your treating physician to see if he has any options — maybe PT or treating it conservatively with ROM or the opposite keeping it immobile? He would be best to treat you.
Until others pop in and discuss their shoulder pain, here is a link to some articles and forums where shoulder pain is the topic. https://axialspondyloarthritis.net/search?s=shoulder%20 I hope you find some helpful information. Rebecca
(Axialspondyloarthritis.net advocate)