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Insurance and disability

I've been diagnosed with AS 25 yrs love been through absolute agony over the years. Fused spine moderate wedge deformity level 3. Have a PIP assessment for first time..

  1. Hello Friends,
    My name is Yvonne, I was diagnosed with AS about 4 months ago. My physician had a real hard time with my diagnosis and referred me a Arthritis Specialist. Actually I been living in excruciating 24/7 pain for almost a year and a half before being diagnosed. I presented to my doctor disability applications to fill out (this was about a month before my diagnosis), and he says that if I could walk, dress and feed myself, I'm not disabled, and threw the forms on the examination bed, and said he wasn'tsigning and walked out. I told him about the pain I was experiencing and he could see the visual joints pertruding from my body. I reside in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. This is where my nightmare begins! Refers me to an Arthritis Specialist, end of September. Diagnosed early October, was going to start Biologic Treatments straight away, but postponed due to an MRI that was scheduled for end of October to see if my kidney cancer was still in remission, which it is, YIPPEE! Postponed Treatments again until immunization shots , which I had to request from Health Records to be mailed. Book appointments for extra immunization shots (TB, Deptheria, Phenomiacocal, Whooping Cough, fmue and HEP B). In the meantime, because of my doctor not cooperating, I have no means of getting any kind of financial support! I was receiving CRB, which ended in October and not eligible for EI or the New CRA benifits. I have support from Social Sevices ($745) And my late husband's CPP ($277 ). I have a mortgage (700.), Condo Fees (589.), basic household expenses (electricity, cable & internet, car insurance and groceries and fur baby expenses (kitty litter isn't cheap). Because of my doctor not cooperating I have no chance in hell of getting any disability! This is INHUMANE! I have absolutely no income! Any suggestions?


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