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Low CRP, not much pain and very tired

Hi! I'm diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis +/- 8 years ago. My father and grandfather have it and I have the HLBA27. On the mri they saw irregularities that seemed light scarring on the si joints. But I don't have the common pain during the second half of the night or morning stiffness. It is more that my si joints hurt a bit and that my hip hurts a bit from time to time. Some years ago I limped sometimes, that was a period I did have pain in the hip. I am not taking meds to control my AS, because I don't have much pain anymore.

I went to the rheumatologist recently. She measured a CRP of 10 mg/ml. So the AS is not that active. I do feel very tired though. I' not low on iron. Is it realistic to think that my tiredness comes from AS? I am not sure, because the AS is not really prominent present and I don't have a very high CRP.

My other question is: are there more people with AS but who don't have much pain and stiffness (without taking meds)? Sometimes it feels a bit surrealistic to me that I have AS while I feel quite healthy, except for the tiredness then.

  1. Are you physically active daily or exercising often?

    1. I have a kickbox class 1 to 2 times a week. This training isn't super intensive, like normal kickbox training can be. It is more like medium intense. It's a beginners class. Furthermore I don't exercise enough to be honest. I walk my parents dogs like 4 times a week, for half an hour.

  2. I have the same idea about it 😀. It will be very helpful to read along and comment from time to time. Thank you, I wish you the same!

    1. That is very impressive! You really kept on looking for the best treatment and that worked out.

    2. Everything to achieve remission - recovery is on the web. Now it's easy if you pay. The Paddison Program is similar to my method. My method is free. The principle of treatment is the exclusion of drugs, and the increase and treatment of immunity. It is the reverse of the current treatment.

  3. Great to know you'll be checking in here from time to time ! Your questions and comments are always welcome and potentially help others who might have the same queries. I find this forum a good way to see what others have experienced and tap into different ways of thinking, which can be really helpful. All the best!

    1. Thank you very much for your reaction! I'm going to read the article, I am curious about it. It helps to hear that CRP levels vary from person to person with AS and doesn't neccesarily say everything. I guess it is a normal reaction to wonder about how AS manifestst in other people, because it can be experienced quite different from person to person. I felt like I was extraordinary in this. I'm happy to hear from you, you have longer periods without symptoms, so you are having less challenges in that periods in life.

      Very sweet of you that you say I'm welcome here and we can support each other here! I have read a lot, but most websites give a lot of standard information. It is the first time I find this forum. Guess that is because I'm not English and search in Dutch most of the times. I will hang around here more for sure 😀.

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