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Pain-night to morning

I'd like to know if anyone experiences the following;
From , 6 pm to 7 am or even 2 hours later in the morning, a trigger is pulled and pain starts intensifying. I can be so tired at night but it's so difficult to get comfortable in the bed because everything hurts. Neck pain, shoulder pain, some rib pain on the left side, lumbar pain, SI joint pain (this was a BIG one), hip, knee, heel and the outside of my foot. I dread getting up in morning because that's when I feel like I can't move. I have to stand for about 2 minutes and the hobble to the bathroom. It takes about 2 hours to loosen up and then it still iffy. Does anybody else go through this. Sometimes you think you just can't go on with this. Is this what the rest of my life is going to be like and I'm just about to turn 70. I'd always been very athletic but for the past 10 years I have absolutely been out of it. Now I do have osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and a few other things going on. But this bone pain, at those times, is just miserable.
One more question; has anyone developed scoliosis or levoscolligosis since their diagnosis of AS? I'm just curious.

  1. I have so much empathy. I feel like your experience is essentially a mirror of my typical day. Pain. Never ending. Just a constant companion day and night with the stiffness especially the first few hours in the morning. Holding my breath to get out of bed. Walking slowly bent over at the waist on painful feet and heels. Stiff, painful hands, ribs, shoulders, entire spine from the base of my skull down to sacrum. SI joint pain radiating to sciatic nerve. I find myself daydreaming of having surgery because under general anesthesia is the only time I don't hurt. Just started Cimzia yesterday after a failed 6 months of Humira. At 51, really don't want to think about my body in 10 or 20 years. In answer to your question original poster, yes, I think there are many of us that feel your despair. My heart is with you. I'm hoping for us and our other friends on this unwanted journey that someone has words of wisdom. Even just encouragement or the knowledge that someone really gets it is helpful for me. Thinking of you.

    1. thank you so very much for your kind words and encouragement to us (and many others I'm sure). Just knowing someone cares and understands means a lot.

    2. As Rebecca mentioned, we appreciate your kind words of support.
      We hope this thread provides a bit of comfort in knowing you are not alone.
      Always know this community understands and is here for you.
      Sending positive thoughts, Doreen (Team Member)

  2. Doreen, thank you so much for your reply in the link to her hopefully helpful article. I'm going to read it right now. Have a great day hoping you're feeling good.

    1. I'm sorry to hear how difficult it has been for you.
      I hope others will chime in with their personal experiences.
      In the meantime, I'm sharing this article in hopes that it may provide some helpful information:
      Sending you positive thoughts for some much-needed relief.
      ~Doreen (Team Member)

      1. , excellent references provided on all the types of spondyloarthritis. It did make things much clearer, although I did have a good understanding of it from the start. I love Mayo clinic. I am a member as a past provider. The clinic just have outstanding research. Once again thank you for reaching out and providing me with this link. Have a wonderful day.

      2. Glad you found it helpful!
        Always know this community is here for help and support.
        My best, Doreen (Team Member)

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