I have been scheduled to have another steroid injection for my right SI joint in late October. I have these done approximately 5 times. Honestly I never feel any real relief from them, but docs love to do them. The last time I had one was in 2019 and it was bilateral. When the doctor was inserting the needle, I swear he hit a wrong button because my whole body jumped off the table. It caused so much pain and I actually cried through the rest of the procedure. Now I have had that happen during 2 of the 5. I swore after the last one, I would never have another one. However, I have been dealing with a flare going on 3 months. I have been in so much pain and nothing is helping this time. I have just agreed to go along with it for the chance it could help this time. I am starting to have serious anxiety about it though. Has this painful jumping thing happened with anyone else? Im wondering if its nerve related. Any feedback and tips would be appreciated.