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Work accommodations

Hey everyone,
I’m a high school teacher in Ontario, Canada, currently on leave for many reasons, but the unpredictability of my AxSpA is one of them, especially when it comes to driving to work, fatigue & brain fog. I’ve been on a biologic for six months now and it’s helping a great deal but I’m still working on getting my well-being back on track after lots of work-related issues. Right now I’m struggling to help my rep understand why coming back into a physical school building is not conducive to my wellbeing and may not lead to a sustainable return to work, and I’m trying to advocate for remote work options. But there is a teacher shortage due to COVID so they are being pushy. Anyone have any advice or tips on how to better advocate for myself? This situation is causing me a lot of anxiety which is already something I’m trying to manage and minimize. Thank you!

  1. Hi ,
    Fellow Ontarian here! I'm glad the biologic has been helping you. I know that with most restrictions being lifted here in March it can be frightening to go back to work, alongside all other symptoms of AxSpA. I'm sorry your work is being so pushy. Maybe getting a doctor's note that explains the extent of your condition and treatment and how they affect your ability to work may help. If the doctor recommends a temporary remote situation they may be able to accommodate you. Wishing you the best of luck!

    1. Hey ,
      Welcome to the community and sharing a little about yourself. I am glad to hear your biologic is helping you. But I know how hard it can be to still struggle with symptoms of the disease every day. I have an article I wrote about something similar about having to decide to change jobs, because my work wasn't being understandable. I was at my position for almost 15 years. I loved it and had such a great passion for it. But like you mentioned, travelling everyday, walking, standing, all that alone was really draining me to the point I had to go on sick leave. I would get to work and a lot of the times had a hard time being productive at work. It was affecting everything physically and mentally.

      I think the only great thing of COVID, is it opened many remote opportunities. It brought me to looking online on indeed and found a job that suited me perfectly. It was so hard making that decision. But it is very important, you are surrounded by people that can understand, if you can't make it to work or not feeling well or have to miss a day or so of work. I know how much that can create anxiety you don't need on top of what you are feeling.

      I would try and speak to your superiors and explain on maybe getting some accommodations. But if your are interested in remote, there is many position online, especially on your career path.

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