I am 62
live in the uk I got diagnosed with AS last year,i probably had it years ago but didn’t know as was working, going to the gym fully fit, used to walk miles.
No pains no nothing.
Now I am on my second time with the biologics second infusion and the side effects are dreadful.
Exercise is really painful to do and I know with younger people it helps but with me as I don’t have a young body it doesn’t seem to help. I have a lot of pain.
I don’t have a processed diet I do eat as healthy as I can but we are on benefits and our food prices are so high and our fresh vegetables are no longer fresh what is available by the time it gets to our supermarkets it’s mouldy and gone off.
It’s taken 12 days for the side effects to ease and I still don’t feel right.
rheumatology is not good in the uk, where I live they are short staffed and nine nurses and it’s a nightmare to get through to anyone and only 7 minutes call.
I can’t see a Gp as they are short staffed and actually most people can’t see a Gp which has got so much worse last couple of years, I have peripheral joint issue with the AS and osteoporosis.
When I got diagnosed the nurse said there looks like old fuzzy areas where it’s been and gone, so can it just do that?
And she said it was gnawing away and said the covid vaccine triggered it so re activated can this happen? Or she just saying that.
I have asked but she said that is what she thinks.
I don’t get answers, communication between me and them is terrible, I have different rheumatologists tell me different things and I am so stressed,my mental health is in a bad state.
When you have medical professionals tell you one thing and you get told the other what can you do.
I don’t trust any of them.
Thank you