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May is awareness month! What do you hope to learn more about during Spondyloarthritis Awareness Month?

With May being Spondyloarthritis Awareness Month, we're seeking to both build greater awareness about spondyloarthritis conditions and meet the needs and interests of our community users. What are you interested in learning more about or hoping to see this awareness month?

  1. Hi Matthew Hope all is well.

    This is a great topic i always try to celebrate Spondy Month and with may right around the corner its that time to start thinking of ways to celebrate and learn more because there is always something new to learn, right? LOL! I usually get out into my community and hand out flyers and talk to people about their knowledge of AS some people have no clue what it is when i tell them what AS stands for so its def a teaching moment when someone doesn't know what it is i love raising awareness in a fun way.

    Best Wishes
    Nadine (Team Member)

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