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Anyone here had spinal fusion surgery?

I'd love to hear about any of your experiences with this surgery.

Was it helpful? Did it make your AS worse? What was your recovery like? Or maybe you found a non-surgical solution..?

I've just been told that I'll need to have a fusion done in my L5-S1 so I'm curious to know how others have managed this.

Thanks ya'll!

  1. My pain doctor has also recommended SI fusion due to my pain there. I have had several injections and nerve ablutions that don’t last long so they want to do the fusion as the next step in my treatment. I’m so glad that you brought up this subject. I’m interested to hear what experiences others have had with this.

    1. My advice is to steer well clear of surgery!
      I was diagnosed with AS last July '22 after 30+ years of neck and shoulder pain.
      I had seen about a dozen orthopedic surgeons during this time without one of them suggesting seeing a rheumatologist. So much so, in 2002, I had fusion surgery to C5/C6 which was horrible and lead to complications (DVT & PE).
      A year later, I was still having the same problems and went back to the surgeon who suggested I need the same op on C6/C7!
      I ran out of there quicker than Usaine Bolt!
      Suffice to say, I continued having terrible flairs and also saw numerous physios, chiropractors and consultants who never even mentioned AS!
      Now I'm on biologics which are 'slowly' improving my day to day life. I've come to realise, my pain won't go entirely but with the injections and daily physio/stretching it will make life much more manageable. The fact is.... there is no cure for AS so we have to deal with it!

      1. I had L2-4 fusion last August ... and it was very successful. Previously, I had spinal decompression, as outpatient that did not go well ... developed a hematoma the next day and needed a second surgery. But I have no pain or low back fatigue now. I tend to think that the AS complicated my spine, not the other way around.

        1. We're glad to hear you are doing well.
          Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
          ~Doreen (Team Member)

      2. I have not had a fusion surgery, but my AS has progressed to the point that much of my spine is fused. Could you tell me why you need the surgery? and do you have any fusions due to your AS?

        1. No fusions due to AS... yet. At least not in my spine, most of my symptoms occur in the SI joint. The surgery has been recommended to treat disc degeneration and nerve impingement in L5S1. I've been falling a lot, have leg weakness and feel pain & instability in this area. I had a microdisectomy at this level about two years ago, which kicked the AS into gear. So I guess my main concern is that a second surgery will further complicate my AS.

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