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Brain Fog is an issue!

Now almost ten years into AS, people around me still do not understand Brain Fog as something many of us grapple with.

Recently our daughter and her husband visited us. I had bought two small speakers to pair with my playlist on my phone so I could listen to music in my art studio. Though I attempted to pair them with my phone, I was out of my depth. Just call me "Boomer"!

Our son-in-law worked with them and said 'Done!" Alrighty then. Today I tried to pair them with my phone playlist. I was completely demoralized. I have forgotten the next steps. Already.

It seems that Brain Fog is a real issue or is it because I am a Boomer? These kids wiz through the mundane issues and I am at a loss. I put the speakers away. . Maybe tomorrow or maybe never. I feel so defeated. Do others in our group experience Brain Fog? If patience is a virtue, I've lost mine.

  1. C
    My eyes filled with tears from your kindness, understanding and encouragement. I have faced many trials in my lifetime. With the exception of my brother's suicide, this unrelenting pain is by far the worst. I was a child of the sixties but never took drugs, ever. I became a young mother right after college. Did I get this as punishment or to teach others to be stalwart? I have no answers but God says 'He won't give me more than I can bear. So okay, God, let's do this today and worry about tomorrow when it comes
    I send my love to you and to the Warriors here.

    Along with this pain, I am going blind. It is a slow progression that allows me to adapt. My precious husband organized my meds, puts up with my swinging moods and still, still gives me unconditional love. Yes, I am Blessed. You and this group are also Blessings. I humbly thank you.

    My Ortho doctor attempted ablation. Frustrated, he stopped. Couldn't find the nerves on my very skinny back. Every day is a gift, though, and I am grateful. May He Bless you and these beautiful warriors.
    Amen et alThin and spindly

    1. - Your tears are a testament to the strength it takes to face such trials, especially when pain is a constant companion. Please know you are not being punished.

      Your journey is a testament to your courage and fortitude. While the reasons are unclear, your perseverance is a powerful reminder of your inner strength.

      It's heartwarming to hear about the unwavering support and love your husband provides, despite the challenges you face together. Cherishing such a loving relationship is truly a blessing.

      My heart goes out to you as you navigate not only physical pain but also the gradual loss of vision. It's a heavy burden, and my heart truly goes out to you during this challenging time.

      Your gratitude towards our community warms my heart deeply. You are surrounded by love and support, and I'm honored to be a part of that circle.

      Please know you're never alone in your journey, and we're here to walk alongside you, offering our support and compassion every step of the way. Thank you for your kind and loving words. Sending peace, tranquility, and warmth your way. Rebecca (Team member)

  2. I've just completed my chemotherapy for Primary CNS Lymphoma. I now have additional brain fog from the damaged brain tissue along with the brain fog from my AxSpA. Thankfully, I'm in remission.

    1. ,
      That's certainly a double whammy.
      I'm glad to hear you have completed your treatment and are now in remission.
      How are you feeling now that chemo is over?
      I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, Doreen (Team Member)

  3. Brain Fog! Am I just confused? Do I just not understand what’s going on around me? When I look at something, what is it that keeps me from noticing the obvious? Why am I in the clouds and not paying attention to things? Questions about fog!

    1. Hello - I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling confused. Experiencing brain fog can be incredibly disorienting and frustrating. It's like trying to see through a dense mist, where even simple tasks can become challenging and unclear. It's natural to wonder if you're just confused or if there's something more going on, especially when it feels like you're not fully present or able to grasp what's happening around you. Navigating through the fog can be tough, but you're not alone in this journey. I hope you can be patient and kind to yourself as you work through these challenges Warm hugs. Rebecca (team member)

    2. Hi ,
      I've also responded to your other post on brain fog. However, I wanted to jump in here as well. Brain fog can certainly be debilitating emotionally, mentally, and physically.
      Inflammation, sleep deprivation, and medications can all contribute to brain fog.
      I'm sharing this article in hopes that it will provide some helpful information:
      Wishing you all the best, Doreen (Team Member)

  4. CherD, My brain fog was getting so bad, I was afraid. I was desperate, so I started fish oil that was recommended for brain fog. I have been on it for about 2 months, steadily and I keep getting better compared to 3 months ago. Huge improvement!
    Technology is overwhelming sometimes!

    1. I am glad you are seeing an improvement with the brain fog. I know it's the worst when dealing with this. Glad to hear you have found something that is helping.

      Nicky (Team Member)

    2. that's great advice! Thanks so much. I will definitely try this.

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