Hi I signed on to this forum to ask if anyone is using Rinvoq and read your post. I have been on Simponi injectpen for years and it changed my life in positive ways, activity-wise and no pain. I've loved it. Sadly, I no longer qualify for copay assistance, can't afford it out of pocket of course, so I'm looking for an alternative med. Simponi Aria is an infusion I can consider ( I think insurance might help pay for most of it, not sure though) and I wondered about a daily pill Rinvoq. It sounds like of new and the side effects look pretty scary on their website. Sorry it isn't working for you, friend. Don't give up! Make good food choices to minimize inflammation, try to move if/when you can (light exercise/stretching), positive spiritual practices like prayer/meditation, ice the inflamed areas. Thanks for the forum to chat with fellow AS folks.