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Dealing with New Symptoms

I have a question. Up until now I didn't really have much pain in my neck ( beside hubby, lol,jk,) nor my lower back or legs. I just came from one of the many appts I have and found sitting in the car too long ( 10 minutes,) put me into excruciating pain from my tailbone to my neck & all down my buttocks and legs.

I could barely walk. The question is has anyone else been told after their diagnosis of AS that they might also get spinal stenosis? And fusing of the spinal disks?

I remember reading the research and listening to my RA, but maybe I tuned out those parts.

If you also experience these painful problems, do u do anything to help the pain? Is there anything to help? Thank you.

  1. Hi
    I know where you are comming from.just done an 8 hour journey with 8 stops and 5 days later the flare is really bad. I have ketamine infusions for the pain 3 times a year . Ketamine tables for in between. Just had the 2 hamstring tendons injected with coritzone because of the calcium in them.

    1. IDK if I could deal w/ all of THAT! Kudos to you and hoping you get a break from the flares. They really should make a horror movie and call it-" The flares." lol.

  2. Hey - While you wait for others to respond, I'm sharing a few articles about spinal issues, including stenosis, and a forum and article about spinal fusion. I hope this helps, and please feel free to reach out with more questions if you have them. I'll try to connect you with others in a similar situation.

    Sending my best,
    Anthony (Team Member)

    1. Thank you so much!

  3. P.S. as u can see, my eyes are not doing well today so please excuse the misspellings!

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