So pleasant reading your positive thoughts this morning! Thanks for being here, in our community. I found a wonderful massage therapist but have moved and haven't been able to find another. It was such a GREAT help with the pain. I regained some mobility and just felt better. Unfortunately, our insurance doesn't cover it, and affording this weekly or even monthly is a strain on finances currently. Maybe soon. I also used acupuncture but found little relief. I hope it helps you ease the discomfort of spondyloarthritis. As you say, I am doing the best with what I have.
Your guidance about engaging our physicians is wonderful. Never be afraid to ask. I've heard stories where they, as the patient, have been rushed through appts, gaslit, refused treatment, etc. It is truly challenging. If one feels they aren't getting the treatment they deserve, remember it is important to search out another who will take the steps to ease the discomfort and pain of this disease. A second opinion is also a great idea.
Today, my goal is to finish work and head outdoors to look for the hummingbirds. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Wishing everyone well this week. Rebecca (Team member)