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Jan 58
Hi everyone
I know we all have our different views on biology medicine and would never tell anyone or expect anyone to tell me what to do.
I live in the uk and our health system is under a lot of pressure right now.
Anyway this is part of the reason why I am unsure about adalimumab, as my rheumatologist keeps pushing me to take it as I feel I have no control over my life right now and effecting my mental health bad.
I had lots of multiple chest infections/ skin infections/ fungal infection’s/ vision issues,I was on Infliximab infusions I only had two and the second the rheumatologist at the other hospital told me to come off. This was last June, I still get the vision issues and optician doesn’t know why.
I have fibromyalgia/ chronic pain/ diverticulitis disease and tinnitus and alopecia which was from fathers side.
My family history- is
My family history father had heart attack age 61 he had atherosclerosis in his fifties and drowned.
my mother died of breast cancer at 51. A cousin of father’s had MS and died in her forties.
my sister died age 55 from Vasculitis inflammation of the blood,she had it at 50. A cousin that is left from my father’s side has been diagnosed with leukaemia.
So as you can see I don’t know what to do.
Trying to get an appointment at the Gp is very difficult and it’s mostly done online if you can get through.
Any advice? I know you can’t give medical advice but if anyone with a similar history as mine on this drug.
Thank you.
Thank you
Rebecca C Moderator & Contributor
Jan 58 Member
I am glad you’re feeling a bit better.
It’s another freezing 🥶 day again the temperature have gone below freezing and very frosty, I have a cold not feeling that good and my back is very painful.
I hope the weather doesn’t impact you with the cold temperatures
I hope you can do that schedule, I don’t nap and sleep is very hard to come by I wish I could nap it would help a lot.
With my other denture I didn’t have this many ulcers and sore spots in my mouth, next month I have to start paying for my teeth it’s going to be very expensive and a struggle till I get my pension which isn’t till end of August.
Yes I like smoothies and help with weight loss I will have a look I never thought of using that thank you.
It’s so good when you and your surgeon are on the same wavelength and you can trust and understand she will do her best for you.
Yes it’s very hard but I understand what you mean I am trying to do that.
I will look for the cards sound good to keep me on a good track.
How did your weekend go? It’s Sunday here and not doing much, my daughter took my granddaughter to cheerleading class she loves it and doing really well, my grandson at his football training.
That will be nice to see them but yes take care with going out you don’t want to catch anything, my husband has two of his grown up kids up here for the day, next week,he has four grown up ones, we don’t get on well, they never liked him moving here all those years ago and we have nothing in common I have tried over the years but it doesn’t work, they stay in the kitchen and me in the living room, when they and partners talk it’s always about the past and nothing to do with me so difficult, hopefully they will go out somewhere if weather is nice.
He always feels pulled between me and them not easy for him.
Look after yourself Rebecca and take care of you and have a very nice time with your son’s birthday.
Sending you positive vibes, energy and hugs dear friend.
Keep warm
Rebecca C Moderator & Contributor
I told Paul the same thing about heading out to a restaurant a week before surgery. I am terrified of catching something. Unfortunately, I haven't had the flu vaccine or the next COVID shot last fall because of the emergent neck surgery after hurting it. But ... we will be outdoors at a very nice restaurant with birds all around us. Yes ... birds. I am curious about this restaurant. My son's girlfriend set it up - thought we would like it there. I do hope I feel okay - it's not until Jan 26th so I will report back how it was. It's called the Chandler Brewery & Exotic Bird Rescue. I'm a bit excited. As you can tell, I don't get out much. Ha.
The weather has taken a turn toward being colder here. I was up last night around 1 am with a ton of pain. The wind was brutal and the cold air coming in the dog door. It frightens our middle dog so I went out to close the door. It rattles quite a bit with the wind. It was frigid. And, it will be getting even colder within the next few days. Brrrrrr. I'll be reaching for the heating pad. Have my sweats down from the top shelf in the closet and warm alpaca socks on to help.
This past weekend I pulled something in my neck and back and had a migraine almost the whole 2 days. I took it easy. Took meds. I hope this recent surgery helps alleviate the horrible headache and neck pain I get. Unfortunately, I have to be careful not to jolt a nerve, or pull a muscle. It'll take a bit for the whole area to calm down. I keep up with muscle relaxers and pain meds. I can't let it get too stiff though. That's not good either.
Let's see ... my card for today says, "Find a way, not an excuse." Good one. Learning to live with a chronic illness is not easy, but adjusting and modifying what we do and how we do things, it is possible. That's why I take a nap at midday. Get some things done early, rest, and get some things done later. Assessing and protecting our energy levels, there is no room for excuses.
Stay warm, focus on your health, and know hugs are coming your way. Thinking of you as the week progresses. Rebecca (team member)
Jan 58 Member
Hello Rebecca
That’s ok bless you,I have been busy too, I have been doing word searches and puzzles and your right it helps the brain to concentrate more.
Today it’s been a nice sunny day so have been taking photos in the garden.
Your Valentine’s Day sounded lovely glad you had a lovely time and enjoyed yourselves.
We had a nice dinner and a little cheese cake for pudding.
We don’t usually have pudding.
Hope you enjoy your Sunday sounds fun.
I am so glad you had a good second opinion I was wondering how you got on, it sounds like your consultant is a wonderful man and very able to do your surgery and you know your in good hands, I hope it all goes well please let me know when your able too.
I have bulging discs I was told but not near a nerve as yet.
Will your operation take a long time?
February so far how I am the same apart from the spots which have got bigger and itchy especially in certain areas but I am using tea tree oil on the ones on my arms and legs and a cream I have for the other areas it’s a CBD cream and ok to use there.
Painkillers are helping a bit my back, but I can’t bend down without having nick to help me up and having the stair lift a lot, but I am walking in the garden and in the house trying to keep mobile as possible.
I have my first hydrotherapy on Monday I hope it goes well will let you know.
My weight has gone up a lot though as not able to go out walking hardly.
Sending you warm hugs to you Rebecca
Please take care.
Rebecca C Moderator & Contributor
I'm not sure how you manage in such a cold weather area. I grew up in Buffalo, NY where it was frigidly cold in the winter with never-ending cold rainy days in the spring. I went to college about 2 hours away and the weather wasn't any better. Before diagnosis, I struggled with the weather and was continuously feeling horrible. So glad we decided to move west. I feel better when warmer and in dry heat. Not sure I'd do well in places like Florida where it is muggy and warm.
Lucy has bounced back and is very energetic. She has so much fear with medical staff - I can't blame her. I can just be there for her to ease her anxiety.
It is warm and clouds are building up today - probably a storm coming in. I'm not feeling too bad yet. But any change in atmospheric pressure is like a bowling ball hitting me. I will nap later which helps. I've not done any other activities such as puzzles or the lot, seeing I have just enough energy for chores. I'm sure I will eventually get back some energy. For now, just healing.
Sending you caring hugs and thoughts of healing - Sounds like you are doing the best you can with what you have available to you. Rebecca (team member)
Jan 58 Member
You’re very welcome, maybe they could help, if you do try them let me know.
It will take time but you’re doing really well that’s what I think.
I don’t sleep that well I find it hard to switch off so I am shattered most of the time as well, I can’t nap I never have and I have tried it doesn’t work, I can be so sleep deprived and still can’t nap.
Take it as easy as you can when walking your dogs.
I am glad the swelling is going down that’s good news.
Northumberland is a lovely place to live but it’s very cold.
I am not from Northumberland I lived about 2 hours away and it was warmer but when I moved here with my daughter in 1996 I did notice a difference but now used to it, Nick though is from Sussex down south and took him years to acclimatise here.
This year though has been the worst, we haven’t even had a summer we had a few weeks one day sunny and next windy,right now it’s so windy and tomorrow it’s 67 MPH crazy even with the sun it’s still been so windy.
I am struggling with this weather as soon it will be autumn and the winter affects me badly as well.
Warmer weather really helps and boosts my vitamin D as I have low vitamin D I take vitamin D supplements but not sure they help.
I am glad Lucy is getting better bless her she has a loving family and that’s what she needs she is lucky to have you.
I hope you don’t have a storm, we have had some bad storms over the years.
atmospheric pressure does effect me too, I have noticed it more recently.
Your doing all the right things and rest and taking it easy is the best way, you will slowly get back to what you were doing.
I am doing what I can do as every day is different I never know what to expect it’s not easy is it.
Sending you warm caring, healing hugs.
Take care
Doreen H Community Admin
We appreciate you reaching out and sharing your concerns.
I'm saddened to hear of the heartbreaking losses in your family.
That being said, I can understand your concerns.
It's important to note that each individual's history is different and their reaction to treatment can certainly vary. However, I do hope others will chime in here with their personal experiences with adalimumab.
In the meantime, I thought I'd share a few articles that may provide some helpful information: and
I wish you all the best as you search for the treatment plan that is best for you.
Please keep us updated. Warmly, Doreen (Team Member)
Jan 58 Member
Yes the rheumatologist just doesn’t listen to what I say, I have tried explaining but it goes in one ear and out the other.
Thank you for the link very helpful.
Take care Doreen
Doreen H Community Admin
That is so frustrating.
Unfortunately, we hear this too often.
I'm including a link that offers some helpful tips on how to prepare for a rheumatologist appointment:
I wish you all the best, Doreen (Team Member)
Rebecca C Moderator & Contributor
It sounds as if being ill or having illness where you are is compounded immeasurably by a very stressed-out system. I hope that you find a regimen to finally help reduce these problematic symptoms, and that your health only gets better.
Thinking of you often - Warmly - Rebecca (community moderator)
Jan 58 Member
How are you doing? Did I send you a message? I can’t remember, my head seems to full of fluff right now.
Did you have a lovely Valentine’s Day? We had a nice one.
Let me know if I replied to you the other week.
Take care
Rebecca C Moderator & Contributor
The second opinion I had about my lower spine with my past surgeon went well. It was great chatting with him. He is such a personable and understanding physician. I explained why I wanted a second opinion, and we then went over imaging results from my most recent CT and MRI. He stated he would absolutely agree to surgery to help manage this fragile spine I have. I was so appreciative he is still available to me even though it is 3 hours away. I chose surgery. PT would only irritate and aggravate and put me in a flare. I've been dealing with this for years; it is only getting worse. Now a fracture and a slipped vertebrae (spondylolistheses) are seen with radiation of pain throughout hips and legs. I've already had 2 surgeries in this area in the past 5-6 years to help remove the bulging discs and painful squishing of nerve endings. So to stabilize this weak spine, I have scheduled fusion the beginning of April. He will be stabilizing the pars defect (fracture) below the fusion as well. I am not worried. With him, I'm in the best hands.
How have you been lately? How has your February been going? I certainly hope the rashes, adverse effects, and pain are all easing. I would love to hear an update from you and what has been occupying your time. Sending hugs to you on this chilly morning. Warmly - Rebecca (team member)