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Exercise pain

Does anyone experience pain when doing simple yoga moves? I am finding it very painful in the lower back when raising my legs behind me when lying on my stomach or kneeling down. It also seems to aggravate the pain so that it will be worse for a few day following the exercise. I thought yoga was gentle but I seem to be feeling worse for doing it!

  1. Hi ! I don't do yoga. If I have to kneel down for anything I can't get back up unaided. This hinders me in things like looking underneath something if it is low to the floor. Also today because the weather was nice and I felt good; went for a visit to a garden centre. . . now I'm paying the price for that visit. To me it was getting exercise think my body thought otherwise! 🙁

    1. Hi ,

      I haven't got a whole lot of experience with yoga, but when I do it I try to follow arthritis friendly routines to try and avoid causing myself any damage.

      I know there are a few channels on YouTube with routines like this but here is a link to one that I use.

      Best wishes,
      James (Community Member)

      1. Hey, that Rocks. It sounds remarkable!!!

        1. I just recently re-started doing yoga after my left hip replacement in July. I never had any issues like you speak about until about 2 wks ago when I tried just some gentle yoga. I was in so much pain, I stopped.
          I'm still going to P.T & so asked her what she thought. I showed her a few of the movements I do and she said, " That's because now w/ u having AS. u have to remember that all joints, which most connect to the back/spine in some way, are going to feel some pain." She told me to stop what I was doing & instead showed me some VERY easy, gently exercises that really don't seem to do much.

          But as she explained, these movements will work out the big muscles & joints we need to use to move. I can't show them to you but I would suggest, if you can, to talk about seeing a physical therapist that knows your issues & show u moves that won't cause u pain. Good luck and I hope I helped, even just a little!

          1. Thanks for your advice, that helps a lot!

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