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Naproxen 250mg

Hi all
Just wondering if anyone has had these tablets?
How good are they for our AS?
Just been giving them by the consultant, does it lower the inflammation?
I didn’t get time to ask her, I never seem to know anything about treatment, just got told to try these.
Thank you.

  1. My husband takes Naproxen regularly. Generally, he's been taking it per his rheumatologist's recommendation. It's similar to Motrin (another NSAID or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It's what he calls, "Something to take the edge off." The benefit he found was that he didn't have to take as many pills in a day as Motrin. Sometimes he has to take a break with doctor's approval as it can irritate his stomach.

    The idea is that this is a medication to reduce inflammation, which helps with my husband's AS symptoms, primarily pain and mobility.

    Curious to hear whether it helps you at all!

    1. Hi Nadine thank you, yes it is very difficult I agree with you, every day is different, you never know do you.
      Thank you replying
      Look after yourself
      Take care

      1. Hi Jan hope your managing ok today? I have taken Naproxen in the past in my experience it helped a bit however everyone responds differently to treatment. If it was prescribed to you that Is what they think is best for you to try at the moment. AS is very difficult to manage some of us have gone through many different medications before the right one is affective unfortunately there is no easy way to know if a medication will be affective until you try it. I hope this helps some. Sending positive vibes 💙 Nadine (Team Member)

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