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Getting Scatological...

Hi all

Sorry if my first post to this forum is so scatological, however hopefully the woke-inflected viewers amongst you will let me through these doors to heaven, and speak my mind - or at least, ask for advice!

My AS was FINALLY diagnosed last year after a massive 25 years of deterioration. In the interim (3 years ago) I also died, causing me to have emergency open heart surgery, and the result of THAT intervention- through opening my rib cage - has added extra pressure and stress on my already-dreadful spinal problems. In short, therefore, I have VERY limited articulation all along my spinal column.

Which makes "going to the loo" somewhat of an ordeal in all honesty. As I can't twist or bend my spine, it makes the inevitable clean-up a real challenge, and rarely successful.

I was wondering if anyone else has faced the same problem, and if so - how have you managed it?

I recently had to spend 6 weeks working in an Arab country, and down there they don't often use toilet paper, but use hand showers instead. This was a MASSIVE help, however getting one installed into my own home is going to be problematic due to the nature of my house's plumbing.

Similarly, I don't have thousands available to buy one of those insane Japanese toilets (you know, the ones that even make your coffee for you), so I am somewhat stumped.

Any ideas would be gratefully received!!

  1. Well I'll be damned!! You learn something every century. Thanks!! Looks basic, but i'll give it a try.

    1. This problem is real! This picture is a toilet paper extender to be able to reach those areas that may be difficult. You can also buy a cheap set of tongs at the dollar store…..just don’t confuse them and use them for your salad. Keep in the bathroom🥴Toilet paper extender

      1. Thanks for sharing the tip....and the laugh! -Anthony (Team Member)

    2. I was in Korea in 2019 and loved the auto feature. What a great relief. However, the underside blow dryer in my room was off, making me appreciate that feature at the conference center. I have issues twisting as the result of full spinal fusion. So how do I manage otherwise?
      I don't know. I guess I do. At home, we have an elevated toilet. I have found that being elevated and having more room is key for getting along. Hopefully, others have more suggestions.
      By the way, your first post asked an important question. I hope you get some great answers.

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