Hi all
Sorry if my first post to this forum is so scatological, however hopefully the woke-inflected viewers amongst you will let me through these doors to heaven, and speak my mind - or at least, ask for advice!
My AS was FINALLY diagnosed last year after a massive 25 years of deterioration. In the interim (3 years ago) I also died, causing me to have emergency open heart surgery, and the result of THAT intervention- through opening my rib cage - has added extra pressure and stress on my already-dreadful spinal problems. In short, therefore, I have VERY limited articulation all along my spinal column.
Which makes "going to the loo" somewhat of an ordeal in all honesty. As I can't twist or bend my spine, it makes the inevitable clean-up a real challenge, and rarely successful.
I was wondering if anyone else has faced the same problem, and if so - how have you managed it?
I recently had to spend 6 weeks working in an Arab country, and down there they don't often use toilet paper, but use hand showers instead. This was a MASSIVE help, however getting one installed into my own home is going to be problematic due to the nature of my house's plumbing.
Similarly, I don't have thousands available to buy one of those insane Japanese toilets (you know, the ones that even make your coffee for you), so I am somewhat stumped.
Any ideas would be gratefully received!!