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Has anyone experience dental issues with AS?

This past week one of my front bottom teeth randomly chipped. I wonder if it could be autoimmune related. My doctor mentioned it could be from all the rounds of steroids I've done in the past year. Wondering if anyone else has experience with this?

  1. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I have had a few dental problems since my diagnosis but I never thought that they may be linked until reading this thread! Might be worth bringing up to my doctor next time something happens!

    Grateful for the new knowledge!

    James (Community Member)

    1. Yes Katie, I’ve had my teeth to break and chip. The nurse practitioner that I see at my pain clinic told me that she has several AS patients that have dealt with this same issue. I’m seriously considering having what teeth I have left pulled and going to dentures before I break one in the front. That’s what I fear, having to go without a tooth in the front for a long time, because I believe if they tried to drill/grind to do a repair, my teeth will just continue to crumble. 🙁

      1. Thank you Steve, I wouldn't say things are a lot better but a little better since I've had my left hip replacement surgery July 19th. But my teeth situation, no. sadly!
        They gave me dentures for my upper missing teeth but because by that time bacteria from the gums had invaded my nasal passages, I had so much gunk build up in those passages I was constantly having to spit, sneeze,, that by the time I could use the dentures, they no longer fit.
        Not that they did from the 1st anyway. The dentist said he made them to look like what my teeth SHOULD have looked like. My original teeth were very small, the dentures were horse teeth, lol. He also wanted to take out the bottom teeth, ( to make it easier for me, he said,) I said, no!
        So for now, I take care of those bottom teeth and pray I can hold onto them for a long time.
        But I was just amazed as you about AS having an impact on teeth and gums, but the more research I do on, I find the inflammation caused by AS can have an impact on every part of the body, inside and out.

        I just try to stay positive and pray and just deal w/ whatever comes my way. I hope everything is going well for you on this AS journey!!

        1. I have also lost several teeth. It is so demoralizing. However, I do feel having the upper teeth out was a good decision, as has been trying to hold on to my lower teeth. -- rick moderator

      2. Before I was ever diagnosed w/ AS, my upper teeth just started to crumble out of my mouth. The dentist finally had to take them all out. Soon after, all my hair fell out also. Then months later, the AS diagnosis.
        I did a ton of research & found the gums can carry a lot of bacteria and when taken out, the bacteria has to go somewhere but it still didn't explain the hair falling out or WHY the teeth became crumbly.

        My RA said there's still a lot to learn about AS and what can be affected by it.
        Anyway I hope things get better for you!!

        1. Hi @momof1
          I am so sorry to read about the troubles you have had. I didn't know problems with teeth was even a thing. But then, as you say in your reply, your RA said there's still lots to learn about AS. I have had problems with my eyes over the years, and my teeth aren't great but I have always put that down to old age, but now I think about it, AS might well be a contributing factor.
          How are you doing now? Have things improved for you? I do hope so.
          Best wishes
          Steve - Community Advocate

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