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Has you Rheumatologist Allowed You Try Their Sample Medicines?

All Physicians are flooded with Samples of Medications for Free.

I went to a top rated Dr. who loved collecting money but didn’t really want to help me. After 5 weeks with no Meds I asked for copies of all my records/tests. My Pain Managment Dr. gave me several names To contact which I did. They all wanted me to bring in my records/tests and they would decide if they wanted me as a patient. My Pain Managment Dr. found me a Rheumatologist with a College Degree in Biology ,MD and Internal Medicine who Had a real interest in me and he is now my Doctor.

He wanted to know everything about me reviewed my blood work, XRays, MRI Etc. He ordered new blood tests and a MRI since it was over a year old.

I was given Humira Samples and tried for 8 weeks and it didn’t reduce the pain. He had blood tests done so he could see what Humira did or didn’t do, he is very smart . I’m not going to list every medicine but he gave me everyone except Cimzia which is an 30-45 minute Infusion and extremely expensive- My Insurance wanted $1,200 every refill.
The biological I’m using now is EMBREL and it’s working well for me. He gave me a 12 week supply of Samples , did blood work and
wrote a prescription,now my Insurance Company pays for all of it.

The point of this Post is to not be afraid to ask your Doctor if They would give you Samples of different Meds . If one isn’t working for you ask to try another.

My Doctor wanted me to get better and it didn’t matter how long it took to find the correct Medicine to treat my Ankylosing Spondilitis.

  1. I started in a study for AS last November. I’m trying out a new drug in a double blind test. Last month I went in for my study visit and was in so much pain they were talking about taking me out of the study. But they put me on a low dose of prednisone for a few weeks and the pain has subsided.
    I will ask them about samples when I go back in for my next study date. Im happy to know they have these as an alternative.

    1. I really appreciate that you are doing the trial. Your volunteering is important for future treatments.
      rick - moderator

    2. - I was really wondering why you were doing a Trial if you have AS. My suggestion is when you finish this trial get with your Rheumatologist and ask him for enough samples to see if the Med works. Usually takes 8-12 weeks. If that one doesn’t work ask for the next one. Share with him you aren’t working and don’t have money to spend on Meds that may not work. It doesn’t cost him anything to have and give out Samples.
      It is terrific that you are doing a Trial but if they hit with a Med that works it could be 3-5 Years or more before it comes to Market. Don’t be shy he’s just a guy like you are but went to Medical School so don’t be Shy to ask for Samples. Good Luck in finding one that works.

  2. Hi 👋🏻👋🏻
    I just wanted to pop in here just in case you didn’t know and say that if you look up the website of the company that produces your biologic, most pay for most or all of your infusions. Different companies offer different options (my dad and I both have dealt with many); however, right now I’m on Remicade and I went on their website and signed up for free. They sent me a card to use that pays for my entire infusion except for a $5 copay…
    Maybe something like that could help?

    Also, I apologize if someone has already said something similar to this. I was kind of in a rush scanning the comments to see haha 🙃

    1. SpineSnackingGargoyle- Accredo is the company that fixed me up with the Free Biologics card for EMBREL. EMBREL owns Accredo and Express Scripts. On Monday I received a call from Express Scripts who are owned by Accredo and deliver the Meds. I was informed that I owed $3,990.00 for 8 EMBREL Pens, say what ?

      Immediately I called Accredo and they have Customer Service that I wished every company patterned there’s after, it’s outstanding! She called Express Scripts while I was on the line and she had a Epiphany . Apparently Express Scripts never prepared an invoice so Accredo could get it paid. This was a long way around the block but wanted you to see that EMBREL costs me ZERO.

    2. Whoa, @kizmazz, that's awesome. Thanks for sharing this tip! -Anthony (Team Member)

  3. MY old Rheumy - Old Skool guy. Always let me try them. I was pre-med at the time and I thought it was fun. He'd take me on rounds w/him to monitor any adverse rxns. I loved that Dr!

    1. What a great doctor. rick - moderator

  4. Katie, thank you for your very kind response. Medications are very expensive and if they don’t work for you , why waste the money ? Pharmaceutical Companies overcharge for the pills, shots etc so I didn’t feel bad about trying all the medications until I found one that helped me. Ron

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