Hey everyone,
So, I have my check up with my rheumatologist next week. My biologics are working well and although I still have symptoms, they are incomparible to pre biologics and my quality of life is so much better. So, what normally happens in these check ups is my rheumatologist asks how I’m getting on, I say biologics are working great, he’s happy, checks if I need bloods to monitor liver/kidney function while I’m taking biologics, and then off I go for another 6 months - a year.
Since diagnosis, I haven’t had any X-rays or MRIs to check progression. I was only diagnosed a couple of years ago and since my symptoms are low, I expect this is normal. But, how often should you get them to check in on physical progression? Is it only if your symptoms get worse that they check for active inflammation? After say, 5 or 10 years, would they do an X-ray to monitor for fusion, or would you notice that was happening because of your functional mobility?
Thanks everyone!