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How often have you had X-rays / MRI since diagnosis?

Hey everyone,

So, I have my check up with my rheumatologist next week. My biologics are working well and although I still have symptoms, they are incomparible to pre biologics and my quality of life is so much better. So, what normally happens in these check ups is my rheumatologist asks how I’m getting on, I say biologics are working great, he’s happy, checks if I need bloods to monitor liver/kidney function while I’m taking biologics, and then off I go for another 6 months - a year.

Since diagnosis, I haven’t had any X-rays or MRIs to check progression. I was only diagnosed a couple of years ago and since my symptoms are low, I expect this is normal. But, how often should you get them to check in on physical progression? Is it only if your symptoms get worse that they check for active inflammation? After say, 5 or 10 years, would they do an X-ray to monitor for fusion, or would you notice that was happening because of your functional mobility?

Thanks everyone!

  1. hi all
    I just had an MRI done after two years. I knew something was up since my meds do not seem to be working well lately. The report was not great so I scheduled a meeting with my rheumatologist to discuss changing drugs. I would say that if you feel good, no need to check. And I think if the disease is progressing, you will notice it through the pain. Trust your instincts.
    Good luck!

    1. Hi ,
      That's great advice. No one knows your body better than you; that's why it's so important to be your own best advocate. I hope your upcoming rheumatology visit will provide some answers (and relief). Please keep us updated, we'll be thinking of you.
      ~Doreen (Team Member)

  2. Hey ,

    That is so wonderful to hear that your biologics have been working so well and that you have had such improvements to your quality of life!

    I was actually wondering how often I should be getting these kind of scans too as I have never had any since the ones that they used to diagnose me! I asked my rheumatologist at my appointment recently and she told me that they only really do them if there are any changes or signs of things getting worse. Although from speaking to people from other countries it seems to depend a lot on where you are located. I am from the UK and this seems to be the norm here but it may be different where you are.

    Good luck at your appointment next week, it might be a good idea to bring this up with them then to check if they operate a bit differently?

    Wishing you all the best,
    James (Community Member)

    1. Hi I am so happy to hear you have found a biologics that is helping you. This is amazing. I think everyone is different on this for getting tests done to see for the progression. I have been diagnosed for 3 years and was doing an MRI every year until this year. From my last appointment my rheumy said they only will do an MRI or other tests when they see it's needed. But again I think everyone is different. You can always ask your rheumatologist that you'd like to just see where you are at with the progression and talk about your concerns.

      Hope you doing well today,

      Nicky (Team Member)

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