Shelby121, I too have way too many sleepless nights but I already know why my knees, ( especially the left 1,) feel as if someone is taking a baseball bat to both. Not that it helps much knowing. Well, in a weird way, it does.
I had my right hip replaced 6 yrs ago & just had my left hip replaced this July 19th & am still recovering.
My hip pain is low yet my left knee has gone from a pain level of 7 to a 10, ( where I can barely speak or cry, the pain is THAT bad,) the P.T, nurse & O.T. that come every day think the AS, along w/ OA in both knees I've had for 10 yrs has contributed to worsening conditions in that 1 knee. I'll be asking for updated X-rays, MRI'S, etc at follow up w/ the surgeon but have already been told most likely will need that knee replaced VERY soon, lol. SOOO tired of all the surgeries. BUT..I DO find a pillow,( almost as big as a body pillow,) placed between the knees but actually is from my inner left thigh down to almost the ankle area, helps alleviate some of the pains, aches & throbbing that accompany me nightly.
I pray u find answers so that u may get much needed rest!!!