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Looking for suggestions regarding diagnosis

Thank you for this wonderful group. I recently went to a rheumatologist. He had X-rays done and blood work. X-rays showed some arthritis but doctor wasn't too concerned. Blood work all within normal range. HLA-B27 was negative. Dr. also did a physical and noted the pain in the SI joints, hips and back. He is calling it Arthralgia, unspecified. That diagnosis to me is one of those general diagnosis when they don't know what is wrong. I don't know if I have AS, I suspect it because have quite a few symptoms but the tests aren't showing anything. I am 50 yrs old, pain for quite a few years now. My sleep is disrupted from the pain, waking in the morning and sitting for long periods of time is the worst pain, movement helps, hot showers help. I've been diagnosed with IBS, plantar fasciitis, and think I have bone spur in shoulder. I believe I've taken things as far as I can myself with changing my lifestyle (non inflammatory diet for 3 years, exercising by walking and yoga as well as meditation). What steps would you recommend from here? Try a new doctor again at a later date? Ask for an MRI? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  1. Thank you very much!! I will definitely read the articles.

    1. I think I would take this to my PCP and ask them how to proceed. Your PCP will know the lay of the land, so to speak. Should you see a different Rheumatologist? or does the matter seem to be enough of a concern to visit another practice?

      If you are near a large medical school, perhaps your PCP can refer you to a rheumatologist at the medical school to get the most cutting-edge opinions.

      rick - moderator

    2. thank you very much! I appreciate it!

  2. Sorry, I do not have another appointment. The doctor just kind of left it at that. In fact i saw the blood test results online.

    1. Hey - I know that can be confusing. I thought you might benefit from a few articles we have. Here's on one finding a good rheumy: Here's another on prepping for a visit: There's more there that came from so let me know if these are helpful and if I can guide you to anything else. Keep up updated on how you're doing! Sending my best, Anthony (Team Member)

    2. I was wondering if I might bother you again. I received my final written report in the mail. I'm not asking you to be a doctor but I thought you might have heard or seen these things in conjunction with AS?? And maybe not? My questions is would you request an MRI as well? This doctor has no follow up for me. I just want to make sure I cover my basis and make sure I do the best for my health and not cause additional harm. Any thoughts here would be greatly appreciated. Here are the X-Ray findings: Early lower cervical spine spondylosis includes small paravertebral osteophytes. Mild lower lumbar spondylosis includes small paravertebral osteophytes and facet arthropathy. Mild bilateral sacroiliac arthrosis is present. The right iliac crest is 2 mm higher than left. Small 2 mm mineralization superior to the right greater trochanter is calcium hydroxyapatite deposit, compatible with minimal calcific tendinitis to the right gluteal tendons. Minimal pelvic obliquity, due to a leg length discrepancy.

      Thank you,

  3. You have not said if you have another appointment scheduled or not. If you have one, I would keep it and discuss these very things once again. If you do not, you might ask for a different referral. Only rheumatologists have the ability and experience to diagnose a rheumatology condition. So I would keep a relationship with a good one.

    rick - moderator

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