We are so glad you have joined our community. We are not happy with why you have joined us, but we are so happy we met. You ask some specific questions we are not able to address directly. As a rule, we do not make recommendations or suggestions for any medications. I can say I have been diagnosed for about seven years and yes, there are a variety of medications that reduce pain and inflammation. Your rheumatologist will be able to help you make great choices. I can say that I have not heard anything bad about any of the approved medications for AS. Not all work for all people, and sometimes it is a trial and error. But again, your doctor will help.
Your second question is about how nervous you should be. Again that is not standard. In my case, the diagnosis has been most difficult, requiring surgery and biologic medication. In other cases, it has been relatively benign. Most people find it is somewhere in between or worse than me.
My advice is always to take it one step at a time. Now that you know what it is, the next step is to meet the rheumatologist, have the diagnosis reaffirmed, and then start a treatment regime. Hopefully, in a few months, you will begin to feel better. In fact, I am almost certain you will........... rick (moderator)