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Relentless spasms

I am not new to muscles spasms. The muscles in my low back are always guarding where my lumbar hardware is placed. They started spasming years before the fusion and got better for a couple of years post-surgery.

But since 2018, when I had my left SI joint fused, I started having them in my middle and upper back. A lot of this is because those muscles are working harder than they are supposed to because my low back in no longer anatomically correct.

I've done much PT on my core and all my back muscles and have been successful in keeping the spasms to a tolerable level.
But sometimes I can do something entirely mundane and be struck with the most crippling spasms.

Today I went to put a dish away in the cupboard. I'm vertically challenged so this means lifting my arms above my head to reach the cupboard. I lifted a stack of smaller plates to put the larger plate underneath and my middle back and some of those really sensitive rib muscles, the intercostals, seized up for all they were worth and now I'm left in bed with my heating pad. I had things to do today but that isn't happening. Yes, I stretched and did all the things but this is going to be a minute before I heal.

Who else deals with disabling spasms? What do you do to help yourself heal?

  1. thank you! I've added to my morning stretches and band routine and I have seen a lot of improvement. I feel like I'm moving forward again. Feeling more positive. I hope you're feeling well!

    1. ,
      That's awesome!
      Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction.
      Stay positive, Doreen (Team Member)

  2. I get them in my ribs and more recently my writing hand. I've been on Cosentyx and now methotrexate, so I hope it helps.

    1. I walk right beside you as you deal with muscle spasms, . The week before lumbar surgery, I had to be off of a group of my medications, and my back, mostly in the thoracic area, decided to "seize" up. It was excruciating and set me back a few days. I wanted to get things done before surgery, but my body had other plans. I'm sorry you are experiencing such pain. I had to ramp up on my muscle relaxants. It's better now, but took a while to ease up. Sending healing thoughts your way. Rebecca (team member)

      1. thank you! I saw my PT today and we are "working on it". I know that once the new biologic builds up in my body the spasms will be fewer and further between. But getting to that point seems so far away.

        Positive news though. The Enbrel is working! Even if I don't get anymore relief than this, maybe 30% improvement, I'm still better than I was three weeks ago.

        "Just keep swimming, swimming..."

      2. ,
        Muscle spasms can be so painful!
        I'm glad to hear you've found a bit of relief.
        Here's hoping the days ahead will find you some more improvement.
        All my best, Doreen (Team Member)

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