I attended a lovely gathering online last night, a remote version of Ceilidhs (Scottish/ Irish social tradition). We listen to few turns of tunes, stories, songs or poems, then we go to breakout room to meet one another and and have a chat about a theme. One topic was about what soothes us, what we do to feel calmer, relaxed, to ease our pain (in whatever shape it manifests).
I think this is such a good question, because the focus is usually on the good treatment, the adapted therapy, the exercise that is designed to make our joints function better. And all this is useful. Yet, there's more that can be done about self care, to look after our nervous system, our mood, our mental health and general wellbeing.
What soothes me is being in nature, going for a walk, listen to the birds, and spending time with horses. Every time I do that, I go back home with a deep sense of peace.
If I need a quick fix and balance my energy level, particularly after a full on day of work, sitting in front of the computer, then I put on an upbeat tune and I dance! I shake out all the thoughts, worries, other people's energy out of my body, out of my system. It's like a quick cleansing session and I feel light and free after that.
I also shared that attending these gatherings, witnessing and sharing artistry and life experiences soothe me as it feeds my soul deeply.
What do you do then? What soothes you?