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I've recently been diagnosed with axial spondylitis after a few years of hip pain that has now progressed to other areas of my body. Last year I started having eye pain ,brain fog,off balance , weakness in legs, anxiety and suicidal ideation has anyone else experience these symptoms, for the longest while I was told there is nothing wrong and I should see a psychologist or psychiatrist as there is something mentally wrong with me.

  1. ,
    I just wanted to check in and see how things are going.
    Thinking of you and hoping you will give us an update when you get a chance.
    ~Doreen (Team Member)

    1. You need some new drs. Starting with a good pcp. we share much of the same symptoms. I don’t know where to start, but I will later.

      1. Hi,

        I was diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis at age 26. At the time I was single, working a very stressful job - I had severe back pain and could barely get out of bad. I also had iritis and thus my vision was impaired and eye extremely painful.

        It was the worse time of my life. I felt hopeless, I thought there was no point planning for my future. I thought with this level of pain I was destined to be unable to work or function.

        I’m now 43. I have a wonderful life- kids, love my work. Yes there has been months or years when I’ve woken in pain. However it has definitely gotten easier. The anti inflammatories have been a heaven sent. I also exercise nearly everyday and am probably healthier than most people because of my AS.

        I think the initial years are definitely the hardest but eventually you will find what works. It will get easier.

        I hope this helps.

        1. Thank you for sharing your story here in the community. It's reassuring to know that with time, patience, and the right combination of treatments, things can indeed get better. Your message of hope will surely resonate with others facing similar struggles. Thanks for leaving a message and encouraging others. Warmly - Rebecca (team member)

      2. The information I've read so far has been a great help. Thanks.
        Take care

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