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Do different seasons bring on different symptoms?

For me, winter causes more lumbar, SI joints, and peripheral joint pain, whereas summer causes more fatigue, brain fog, and muscle pain.

I also have fibromyalgia and feel like that has most of the same symptoms regardless of the seasons (while extreme cold or heat can exacerbate symptoms, they are still the same kinds of symptoms).

  1. Winter

    1. - it seems the cold months are horrible for many in our community. I know it makes my pain intensify. What are your worst symptoms at this time of year? I try to manage by staying warm and cozy, bundled and protected. How do you manage to get through the winter months? Rebecca (team member)

  2. winter

    1. Oh how we understand - cold weather is quite a big trigger. What are your worst symptoms during winter months? Rebecca (team member)

  3. Winter

    1. and ,
      I know I've said this a few times already, but I'm hoping (and praying) for a mild winter). I hope you both are staying well, Doreen (Team Member)

  4. Summer. I hate heat. However, now I call summer Smoke. We do not have summer any more. We have Smoke from all the wildfires in the US and in Canada. And that smoke not only makes me a hermit, it causes asthma and breathing problems. I can do more in winter than I ever do in Smoke. I have learned that long underwear is my friend. I also make sure I have good tires on my car so I can safely drive.
    I hope we can all have reduced pain for a while!

    1. ,
      It's unfortunate that you can't enjoy the summer due to smoke. That must be quite challenging with asthma and breathing issues.
      I wish you all the best as you continue to adapt to these challenges.
      Stay safe out there,
      ~Doreen (Team Member)

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