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What supplements do you take on a daily basis?

I take several supplements in addition to my medication and am wondering what has worked for everyone and what brands.

Fish oil for instance, varies so much, as well as the numbers of DHA and EPA, I was wondering if there are recommendations of a specific brand of fish oil that you'd recommend - same with other supplements and probiotics. I take daily:

Fish Oil with a higher EPA than DHA
Turmeric pills
Green propolis
Traditional Chinese medicine
and a bunch of allopathic medications...

  1. Hi All,

    I take a cocktail of vits. The list is endless🙁

    Rose hip
    Retinex - this i started after bouts if uveitis and knock on wood havent had a flare up after I started this.
    Vegan omega
    Vit d
    Folic acid
    Vit c

    Most of these I started due to a very late diagnosis of AS. Some I have started to counteract n reduce side effects of biologics which I only recently started.

    All Vits are from a UK company called Health Span they have very good quality products and reasonable prices.

    Any advise on dropping some of the above would be greatly appreciated.

    All the best to all look after yourselves.


    1. I take collagen 1, 2, and 3. Also a high dose vitamin B complex, and iron with vitamin c.

      I’m not sure that they help me with my day to day symptoms, but hope they are helping to slow disease progression and prevent complications. Just please make sure to go over all supplements with your physician to avoid overdosing or interactions.

      Good Luck

      1. Hi I take Turmeric and Boswellia which are in one tablet, high strength vit D , calcium tablets as i have a low bone density and a multi vitiam each day .

        1. Hi , do you find these supplements help with AS? I've just started taking turmeric pills but I think I should start taking moe supplements. All the best, Ali (Community Member)

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